
Sunday, April 17, 2011





如果他很狠,你必须更狠;如果他很毒,你就必须比他更毒;你必须学习他,超越他,如此你才能击败他,然而在你擎败他的同时,你也被击败了 ,因为你已经变成了「他」。





Thursday, April 14, 2011

Excellent anti-cancer eating grass Dayton(snake grass)

Sabah Snake Grass
Good News!!!
Recently, I met a man who had Lymphatic Cancer - Stage 4 with 123 lymph nodes affected. His cancer started in March 2008.

Affected parts: 1st: Right lung, 2nd: Left lung, 3rd: Groin, 4th: Eye and 5th Mouth.
After 9 chemo therapies he stopped the treatment on 10/11/2008 because 5 specialists said he can only survive for 3 months. Today, after more than 2 years, he has recovered and is still living. Thanks to the Sabah Snake Grass (Clinacanthus) which he planted outside his house.
He blended the leaves with green apple (minus skin and seeds) and drank them after breakfast everyday.

After 3 days, 6 tumours disappeared.
After 13 days, he went for a blood test.The oncologist said that he was 96% cured.

So far more than 200 people who had taken the herbs showed improvement.

Case 1) Man - age 54
Lung Cancer: 3rd stage.
Chemothrapy 6 times
Tumour before taking Sabah Snake Grass 29mm, 44mm, 76mm
Tumour two weeks after taking Sabah Snake Grass
reduced to 20mm, 27mm, 67mm respectively

Case 2) Woman
Uterus cancer – tumour size 6cm
Scheduled for surgery. After taking SSG, reduced to 3.5cm.
Doctor said no need to operate
Continue taking the SSG, the tumour disappeared.

Case 3) Man
Prostate Cancer
After taking SSG for 11 days, the tumour disappeared.

Case 4) Woman from KL
Breast and Lung Cancer
Both breasts removed - 4 stage. Very weak, cannot eat,
on drip and lying in hospital.
Family member poured SSG juice into her mouth through tube.
After a few days, could eat and was discharged.
28 days later was all tumours disappeared.

Case 5) Woman from Taiping
Breast Cancer
After taking SSG for 3 days, the wound dried up.

Case 6) Leukemia Patients
So far 4 cases have been cured after drinking SSG juice.
They also drank juice from 3 leaves of Guo Sai Por
(Ti Tham Tou) once per week.

Case 7) Dialysis Patients
After taking SSG for 10 days, stopped going for dialysis

Case 8) Patients with High Cholesterol, High Blood, High Uric Acid
and Diabetes
After taking SSG, the conditions improved.

Number of leaves used for treatment for Cancer:
Stage 1 : 30 leaves everyday
Stage 2 : 50 leaves everyday
Stage 3 : 100 leaves everyday
Stage 4 : 150 – 200 leaves everyday
When the patients get better, reduce the number of leaves.

Direction for juicing SSG
a) Pour half cup of clean water in a blender
b) Add 1 or 2 ice cubes to prevent heating during blending
c) Add 1 quarter of lemon or half a lime juice (provide Vitamin C and prevent oxidization )
d) Wash the required fresh SSG leaves and put them into the blender
e) Peel a green apple and remove the core/seeds
f ) Cut the apple into 8 pieces
g) Put in the pieces of apple
h) Blend and drink immediately or within 5 minutes. (consume daily)
I ) If your body is "cooling" add a few slices of ginger or drink warming herbs

I stay in Bandar Kinrara, Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia. If you have problem getting the SSG, email or sms me. I can get them from Seremban. You only need to pay for my transportation from KL to Seremban and back, cost of the plants and postage if necessary. I need your name, address, h/p no. and the patient's condition and type of cancer.

Food to avoid : Sugar and products made with sugar, honey, kembong fish, ray fish, 7 angled-fish, chicken meat, duck meat, yam, glutenous rice, margarine, durians, bird nest, ginseng and other rejuvenating herbs.

Besides SSG, papaya, apricot seeds, lemon grass and many types of fresh raw vegetable and fruit juices can also be used for treating cancer.

I believe all chronic diseases can be cured with the combination of detoxification, maintaing blood Ph 7.35-7.4, increasing body oxygen, eating natural nutrients and herbs, a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits. There are quite a number of patients with cancer and other chronic diseases recovering and got cured based on my coaching above and natural treatments.



Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Excellent anti-cancer eating grass Dayton

Excellent anti-cancer eating grass Dayton Education Act Liu Lian-Hui hope to benefit more patients suffering

At 12:53 on April 7, 2011

(Pacific News 6) Dayton grass can be excellent news cancer, the risk of lymphoma associated rehabilitation Pacific Liu Hui, yesterday received a 400 call asking, asking how and where you can find to eat were excellent in Dayton grass. Cotton grass can be excellent newspaper Logout cancer news, cancer are designed to allow Washington to try excellent grass, hoping to overcome cancer and lead a new life, after all, cancer is a sad thing. Mr. Liu Lianhui cancer who have eaten a lot of advantages because the grass recovered after Dayton, introduced the public more confidence to try. Doctors refer to his cancer had already lost 96%, 4 March this year, give the doctor to examine, the doctor told him he had 100% recovery.

Half of those who disappeared a month later In addition to his own rehabilitation of lymphoma patients, suffering from liver cancer, nasal cancer, uterine cancer, brain cancer, breast cancer patients who, in the grass to eat after Dayton excellent recovery.

Rehabilitation of patients at different times, some of the minor who eat for four days, cancer is gone, the latest for a month and a half, cancer is gone.

Reader response, want to know where you can get excellent how to eat grass and Dayton. Newspaper reports today, for further in order to give readers more clearly how to eat grass Dayton excellent.

Dayton excellent eat grass as follows:

1: healthy people, you can eat nine, into the nozzle in chewing or a green apple add some water, then stir into the blender to drink, fresh drink will after stirring, not until after store drink. One drink per day can, eat before drinking.

2: The first phase of cancer by day 50.

3: Phase II cancer who, every day 100.

4: Phase III cancer who, day 150.

5: IV cancer who, day 300.

Do not eat the best penetration of other drugs

Liu said that the role of superior efficacy of Dayton is clear grass elimination of tumor blood detoxification. Take priority in Dayton during the grass, it is best not to eat tainted other drugs, only to see its effect.

He said that the sick patient to eat grass during the excellent Dayton, and also taking the Chinese medicine, the result no improvement in the disease, but only drink Dayton excellent grass, the situation is improved, while the post-Dayton drink excellent grass. Send thousands of people do not charge a penny grass

Mr Lau said he sent before and after the grass has excellent Dayton thousand people, is also not charge a penny to help people from cancer cancer and lead a new life. Mr. Liu Lianhui stressed that, gifted Dayton Caoju flavonoids, a considerable effect on cancer, are non-toxic wild plants.

In 1999, the South China Agricultural University research project application curse for the study of wild South China common nutritional function and toxicity. South China Agricultural University, Department of Vegetable Professor, Department Head Dr. Yang Xian confirmed excellent grass is non-toxic vegetable Dayton, a considerable effect on the cancer.

In addition, readers can also access this page on the excellent Dayton grass to a better understanding of: / forumdisplay.php? fid = 61.

Liu Lian-Hui Phone

Mr. Liu Lianhui contact telephone number is 010-3814643, and its home ground AUTHOR is: 62, TAMAN BUKIT MAS, JALAN MAH POI NU 34000 TAIPING, PERAK. (Gan Wen Ding Mapei Nong Road, Jinshan Garden).

To facilitate readers outside Singapore, we inform you when you stand by the Kamunting charges coming out, you will see there is a crossroads opposite the Taiping Zoo Taiping Lake or advertising sign, please go straight down, has arrived at a traffic circle, and then go straight on, you will see ECONSAVE, please onto bridge, not far down the bridge after, you will see Gan Wen Ding Bashi Station, Please go straight on, until the left hand side to see a return church.

Then you place the traffic lights at the crossroads, Please go straight and on the left hand side you will see a small talent training, and then some will see the SSL hotel, after the traffic light in front, then go straight and on the left hand side you will see the barracks, while the right hand side there is a way of treating rubbish on the slopes, which means you have reached the Gold Peak Garden, looking for signs and go straight on, to find the home of Mr. Liu Lianhui.

Saturday, April 9, 2011








“病人只適合吃有機植物,不施肥的憂遁草療效也會高,所以有些普遍受歡迎的種類,都會栽種在花盆裡,一些則種在草地上自然生長。” 另一位師父說,其實草藥都有不同的藥性和功能,若對藥草知識膚淺,可別胡亂服食,最好徵詢中醫正確使用法。比如最近廣受癌症患者歡迎的憂遁草,對她而言治病草藥,也是她小時候的桌上佳餚。




Can phone them : 010-3814643
"Liew Lian Hui"
Can refer Guang Ming Press 光明日报 6/4/2011 page A7

Friday, April 1, 2011


胜败之间 我常想,生命到底是什么呢? 中国人总说,人是堂堂七尺之躯,其实,每个人的外在都大同小异,但里面的生命却有著极大的差异。 同样的担子,有的人挑得动,有的人挑不动; 同样的苦难,有的人承受得住,有的人却会崩溃,为什么? 一位企业家受不了生意失败的打击,跳楼自杀。 另一位企业家同样也生意失败,尚且欠下大笔债款,这样的打击也几乎把他逼上绝路。在沮丧了一段时间后,他开始反省,到底为什么会失败,是他的方法不对,还是判断错误,有什么地方是他以前遗漏或疏忽的? 这样的思考帮助他重新调整自己的脚步,矫正错误,结果他不仅挽回失败的生意,而且再创事业的高峰。 什么是失败呢? 真正的失败是你放弃再尝试的机会,你把失败当做结局,停止继续努力。 其实,我们一时失败,并不代表一生失败。只要我们不那么快否定自己,屈服于现实的环境,我们必然也能从失败中创造成功的契机。


作者《杏林子》 年轻的朋友问我,这一生最大的打击是什么? 中途辍学确可算是年幼时的一大挫折,那时看到别人能够顺利升学,而我却必须整日与病痛为伍,心中难免怨怼不满。 及至慢慢长大,才发现因为生病,反而因此逃过制式教育,发展出自己的兴趣,并因此被肯定,真可说因祸得福。 每年的三月,都是一个充满悲与喜、庆贺与叹息的季节。 多少考生在考场上拼得你死我活,紧张焦虑的等候放榜,几家欢乐几家愁! 其实,胜败不足以论英雄。 金榜题名并不代表人生的路从此一帆风顺, 很可能你选择自己不喜欢的科系,很可能你毕业后学非所用,这都让你的路走得倍加辛苦。 同样的,名落孙山并不代表你的前途一蹶不振,相反的,你给自己的生命留下更大的弹性和空间。 虽然变数多,却也充满了开创性和挑战性, 奋斗的经过固然艰辛,却有无数的可能性掌握在你手中。 人生的路各有不同'奋力向前,总是愈走愈宽广的。